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南山区蛇口太极文化传播者-----郭革委Nanshan shekou tai chi culture disseminat...

发表于 2013-4-16 22:53:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    郭革委,男,1968年出生,系陈氏太极拳第十一代传人,祖籍温县,高中文化,师承陈氏太极拳第十代传人陈俊凌大师,熟练掌握了陈氏太极拳老架新架等传统套路,尤精于陈氏太极拳小架,于2010年在深圳南山区开办学习班,主教练郭革委,供职于招商局物业深圳公司的雍景湾管理中心工程部,利用业余时间推广陈氏太极拳,教学地点每周一三五晚上八点到九点半在东滨路和爱榕路交叉口的南油文化广场每周二四六晚上八点到九点半在蛇口海上世界广场,常年招生,年费仅收三千元,单套一千元起,外籍人士加倍。学习内容包括几乎目前所有的陈氏太极拳套路。风雨无阻,寒暑不误  。联系电话:13537833403/郭革委。
Chenjiagou tai chi school, shenzhen nanshan classes - Guo Gewei

Guo Gewei, male, born in 1968, is a Chen taijiquan the eleventh generation successor, ancestral home county, high school culture, inherited the Chen taijiquan the tenth generation successor Chen Junling master, master Chen taijiquan old frame new rack and so on traditional routines, especially at small frame, Chen tai chi chuan in 2010 in shenzhen nanshan district open classes, the coach Guo Gewei and worked in China merchants property management company in shenzhen YongJingWan engineering management center, spare time Chen tai chi chuan, teaching location three to five every Monday night at eight o 'clock to half past nine at east coast road and love tree road intersection south oil culture square allocation per week at eight o 'clock to half past nine in the evening on the shekou sea world plaza, perennial recruit students, the annual fee is only three thousand yuan, a single set of one thousand yuan, expatriates double. Study Chen taijiquan repertoire which includes almost all currently. Years, rain or shine. Contact telephone: 13537833403 / Guo Gewei.

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